Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Posted by Memoirs of a Booger at 3:01 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
"Liar's Go To Hell" (The adventure of Pinakyu)
I have no problem with reading erotic stories, but come on, people. I know most of these are made up, but how many stupid kids are writing about how they had 12 inch cocks when they were 11 (and some even say 12 inches was small then) and fucked the 21 year old babysitter for hours and made her cum a dozen times? Allow me to say this. Most guys, when erect, are between 5 and 7 inches. About 2/3 fall in that category. I know I do (a little over 6, in case you were wondering). Some guys are huge, but they aren't very common and usually take time to develop and don't have massive tools when they are 11 (fact is there are more below average guys than above average guys). And most 11 year olds wouldn't make it all the way in before they blow their wads. Just look at how excited you guys get over cleavage.
Anyways, the topic I wanna share is not about how big or how long my cock is. Its all about the worker bee (Pinakyu).... and how the fuck its lying....and how it makes everybody believes that its a victim on what it claims "unjust colony"...
How to Deal with Liars at the COLONY...
Yeah, that little story is a teeny little colony drama. But what happens when you work with a dangerous bee liar at the colony? (mix it up with a hormone called TESTOSTERONE...GOD!!! its a big pile of shit on your MAMA's ASS) What happens if it happened to you? (I say don’t let it go.)
Here are three things to do:
1) Talk to the freaking liar immediately (Just what I did...) I was going to say “confront” the liar, but my conflict resolution bee committee probably wouldn’t like that phrase. But you get the point. Ask, “Why the lie?”
2) Get underneath the issue. Find out. Fast.
3) Clear up any confusion post-haste. Did you ever see the movie The American President with Michael Douglas? There’s a long section of the movie where the president doesn’t respond to spurious accusations against him and it nearly takes him down. Don’t do it. Truth triumphs and lies hide in dark little corners of your butt, afraid of the light. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there’s a reason that “fight fire with fire” is an axiom. It’s because it’s true.
4) Above all things, behave ethically. There’s a certain confidence in knowing that you wouldn’t be ashamed to tell your grandmother about what you’ve done. If you behave as an upstanding DRONE, then you have much less to lose when the liars ply their trade. Good triumphs and liars have to go home and live with themselves.
That’s writing down the bones on liars in the colony. It was five minutes of me reacting. What do you do with liars in the colony? ... Im gonna spank the bee's ASS and tell em... AM I FEELIN' LUCKY? (We all know the FUCKIN" stop acting like shit...)
Posted by Memoirs of a Booger at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: (The adventure of Pinakyu)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
My Fuckin' Two Faced Colony!!! (Series of Gum Droplets on my Forehead #1...)
It's 11:00 pm. You BUZZ in, and see your ol' pal know it all TESTOSTERONE chewin' the fat with that asshole BOOMBOOM. Wow!, you think to yourself, Ol' TESTOSTERONE sure is actin' all buddy-buddy with BOOMBOOM. (I thought they hated each other!)...hmmm... You decide to sneak up and listen in on them, and there they are; makin' fun of you the same way TESTOSTERONE makes fun of BOOMBOOM! What do you do? Do you step up and loudly clear your throat? Do you tap that ol' fuck on the shoulder, and say "why dont you just fuck yourself up!!!! " like the hell you fucked our Prof before...If you're thinkin'; what you're thinkin'...hellshit you'll be surprised it aint Prof X but its the Queen Bee herself...
Anywayz, seriously, there are ways to handle two-faced DRONES at the colony tactfully, diplomatically, and mother-of-fucktly! There is no catch-all solution for handling this bothersome problem. Personally, I like to handle such things on a situational basis. But first and foremost, you must realize something about yourself: YOU AIN'T SPECIAL! Those DRONE BITCHES! When So-n-so runs its pickle-washer about everyone else in Balliwood , what makes YOU so special that you're the only one who gets respect? Trust me, no matter how much the two-faced DRONE; kisses your ass to your face, shit... TESTOSTERONE is disrespecting everybody else behind their back, just like everybody else! Realizing this unfortunate reality is the first step to handling these mindless BEE's. Having said that, this is one reason I have always believed in keeping your colony life separate from your flower pickin' private life. Compartmentalization is a GOOD thing, I don't care what the fuck...anybody says. Be cordial and helpful(THOUGH I ADMIT... IM NOW AN ASSHOLE) with your drones, but don't get sucked into the little soap operas that seem to always unfold no matter where you colonize. Stay out of gossip circles. Politely refuse to listen to anybody rant and rave about other DRONES or PROF's. Sometimes, you can't get away from the two-faced DRONE's running mouth. That's when you ignore it. As you let it rattle away, your replies should not contain more than three words: "I SEE", "uhu..", and "OK". Don't offer opinions one way or the other on the DRONE being gossipped about, because these loser BEE's will always double-cross you. Believe me...I know all you fucks!!! --- You aint gonna have it all...NONSENSE ey....
Posted by Memoirs of a Booger at 4:29 PM 4 comments